I had originally planned to use a G3XBM transmit converter with my FT817. I have ordered a pack of ten 3.2MHz crystals on EBAY. However, they have not yet appeared, probably due to the Christmas post backlog.
In the meantime I have been looking at alternative methods of accessing the band, including transverting ( both transmit and receive) using my K3 which will not receive directly on 472kHz due to not having the wideband RF bandpass filter fitted. I am still considering this approach.
Meanwhile I have been fortunate to obtain a 50W RF output, Class B, switching FET power amplifier. This was originally designed for use at 470kHz! Its high gain means it can be driven direcly from a mixer output.
It would have been fairly easy to make a switching MOSFET amplifier, but as I am only dabbling at this stage and have lots of other projects on the go, I wanted to minimise the amount of building I would need to do.

I am still learning a lot about antennas at MF and what may and may not work.
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