Tuesday 23 October 2018

Interesting problem

I had planned to use 3cm during this evening’s UKAC.  Trying to work G4BAO I was informed that my LO was unlocking. On investigation I found that the 106.500MHz reflock, located in the shack and fed by 10MHz from my Z3801 GPS disciplined source, was responsible. 
I quickly set up my Leo Bodnar dual output GPS disciplined source on 106.500MHz and fed the LO signal up to the masthead transverter. Checking with G3XDY, he reported the signal sounded OK and looked acceptably narrow on the spectrum display.
I may ditch the reflock, as the HS400 it is housed in takes up valuable space in the shack rack. A LB miniGPS would take up much less space in or on the rack. A 1575MHz GPS antenna signal distribution system is beginning to look necessary.

A second problem was confirmed . The 10GHz transverter is definitely down in sensitivity. This could be the dreaded LO ‘dying FET’ syndrome that occurs with the DB6NT G2 transverter when it is left on all the time, as mine is, at masthead. Leaving it on keeps the box warm and I don’t suffer from condensation in the box. Another job......

1 comment:

  1. I had problems locating a source of MGF1907s for the DB6NT transverter and then found that according to the data sheet, that MGF1302s have the same electrical characteristics.
