Friday, 26 October 2018

Spectrum Forum

I’ll be heading off to London by train in the morning. I am representing the UKuG at the RSGB’s Spectrum Forum meeting.
My report on the Group has been submitted.
I used to represent the Group then the new, incoming, Chairman took over. That has continued for the last few years, but he was not available to attend this year.
As the current Chairman I felt it was advisable someone from the Group should attend, but I was not particularly looking forward to it......... I struggle to understand what it actually achieves. Maybe it will be clearer after tomorrow?

My first trip to London in over a year.

I won’t be reporting on the content as it is RSGB business. A report from RSGB will, no doubt, be forthcoming.

On a very sad note, I hear that Will Jensby, W0EOM, has passed away. Will was a microwave legend. I am pleased to say that I met and chatted to him on many occasions at events in the USA.
No history of USA microwaves would be complete without mention of the contributions made by Will.

Vale Will


Thursday, 25 October 2018


I went to Rapid Electronics with G4FSG this morning. They have 12V 12.5A (150W) PSUs in their clearance sale at £22.50 plus VAT. That TDK Lambda SMPSU operates from 85 to 230V AC input and is therefore suitable for powering my 10GHz EME SSPA, out at the dish. I have a 115V transformer isolated supply at the dish.
Graham picked up a nice Meanwell 12V/40A supply at a really good price. It was the last one.


Wednesday, 24 October 2018

10GHz amplifier

I have been mulling over what to do with my 10GHz SSPA. It needs 11V at what I though was about 8A. It turns out that the quiesent current is nearer 10A and the peak drive sends it up to about 12.5A.
I didn’t want to use 28V to drive the Melcher DC-DC converter to produce the 11V. 
G4FSG pointed out that Rapid Electronics are selling their remaining stock of TDK Lambda PS150 (150W) power supplies for £22.95 +VAT. That has to be worth a trip down to Colchester tomorrow.
The  12V version is variable from 10.5 to 13V at 12.5A and can be run from 110 to 230V AC, so I could run it at my dish from the yellow builders transformer that supplies a ‘safer’ 55-0-55V AC out at the dish. 
The alternative is a Nissei NS1230M variable PSU that gives 20A from 4 to about 16v from110 to 230V AC. These PSUs are £89 from Martin Lynch and Son.

I have been active on 2m FT8 again this evening and worked some nice DX including down into northern Spain, once again. Conditions seem quite good on 2m at least.


Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Interesting problem

I had planned to use 3cm during this evening’s UKAC.  Trying to work G4BAO I was informed that my LO was unlocking. On investigation I found that the 106.500MHz reflock, located in the shack and fed by 10MHz from my Z3801 GPS disciplined source, was responsible. 
I quickly set up my Leo Bodnar dual output GPS disciplined source on 106.500MHz and fed the LO signal up to the masthead transverter. Checking with G3XDY, he reported the signal sounded OK and looked acceptably narrow on the spectrum display.
I may ditch the reflock, as the HS400 it is housed in takes up valuable space in the shack rack. A LB miniGPS would take up much less space in or on the rack. A 1575MHz GPS antenna signal distribution system is beginning to look necessary.

A second problem was confirmed . The 10GHz transverter is definitely down in sensitivity. This could be the dreaded LO ‘dying FET’ syndrome that occurs with the DB6NT G2 transverter when it is left on all the time, as mine is, at masthead. Leaving it on keeps the box warm and I don’t suffer from condensation in the box. Another job......

Trying blog touch pro

Apparently the original Google Blogger app has now been withdrawn. I am trying a few other apps. This is Blog Touch Pro.

The photo is to check that I can send photos. My previous attempt didn’t allow me to delete the wrong photo!

It looks like it still lives!

Still exploring what is what on here. If all is well the blog will be back. My intention is to continue with comments, observations and information relating to my VHF, UHF and microwave band activities.
If anyone is still checking my blog, please comment so that I know I’m not ‘talking to myself’!


Back again

I am exploring whether my Blogspot blog is still operative. Let’s see what happens before I write much else........ Sam